How to make disciples training program

There is a how to make disciples training program that the #NoPlaceLeft people have made. It is a simple online course called Introduction to Evangelism & Discipleship and it will equip Christians how to do make disciples. The online training course is free takes and about 2 hours to complete. It is made up of about a dozen short videos and after each video there is a simple form with a question or 2 to complete. Once the course is completed, you will have the ability to be making disciples.

How to make disciples training program website.
The online training programintroduction to evangelism & discipleship” by #noplaceleft

Online training course outline

  • Getting Started
    • Training and Teaching
    • Brutal Facts / #NoPlaceLeft Vision
    • 5 Parts / 4 Fields of Jesus’ Strategy
  • 411 – Why, Who, What & When?
    • Intro to 411
    • 1) Why? – Identity
    • 2) Who? – Oikos Map
    • 3) What? – Part 1 (15-Sec Testimony)
    • 3) What? – Part 2 (3 Circles)
    • 4) When? – Set Goals
  • Discipleship
    • Modeling Command of Christ 1: Repent & Believe
    • 3/3s (Three-Thirds) Pattern of Discipleship
    • Church Circle (Acts 2:36-47)

Introduction to evangelism & discipleship course testimony

“I was been reading my bible and the bible verses at the end of Matthew really stood out to me. It says that Jesus was telling his disciples to go and make more disciples. He then left them. And when I read the book of Acts, I see that these disciples of Jesus did go and make more disciples.”

“These verses in the bible about making disciples made me think – Was I supposed to be doing the same thing? If so, then why didn’t I have disciples?”

“I came to the conclusion that YES I was supposed to have disciples – so I looked around online and found this Introduction to Evangelism & Discipleship course. I signed up to the how to make disciples training program and in less than 2 hours I had watched all the videos and completed the questions. It was easy and very helpful. I now have the knowledge and ability to make disciples.”

Sign-up to the training program

The online training programintroduction to evangelism & discipleship” by #noplaceleft is very good. Take the free online course by enrolling in the course today!